Development and Acceptability of E-module for Flipped Classroom

College of Teacher Education, Aklan State University, Banga, Aklan, Philippines

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This design research aimed to develop an e-module as a tool for Mathematics in the Modern World in a flipped classroom model. The respondents of this study were first-year college students for the researcher-made test, acceptability of the emodules and interview, and five experts for the evaluation of the acceptability of the e-module. The data-gathering instruments were a researcher-made test, students’ and experts’ evaluation questionnaires, and interviews. Data analysis techniques employed were frequency count, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and thematic analysis. The study revealed that there were eight least learned lessons of first-year college students in Mathematics in the Modern World. The developed e-module in Mathematics in the Modern World has the following parts: title, learning objectives, overview, discussion, references, evaluation activity, answer key, checkpoint, and the key to correction. The acceptability of the developed emodules as evaluated by the experts and the students in general and in terms of different criteria was rated “Highly Acceptable”. Furthermore, the students agreed that the e-module was unique and innovative, provided immediate feedback, flexible, and effective. Thus, the e-module indeed served its purpose to cater to the needs of the 21st-century learners of a technology-enhanced instructional material that is flexible, innovative, interesting, and acceptable which would facilitate their construction of knowledge through videos and coming to class prepared in a flipped classroom model. It is recommended that further research be conducted to ascertain the effect of the developed e-module on students’ academic performance and develop more e-modules for relevant subjects. 

Keywords: E-module development, E-module, Mathematics in the Modern World, Design research, Flipped classroom


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