Flipped Classroom for the Untaught
Least Learned Competencies in Mathematics

Malay National High School
Motag, Malay, Aklan, Philippines 5608

This quantitative research aimed to determine the Flipped Classroom benefits to seventh-
grade learners and mathematics teachers in resolving the untaught least learned
competencies by the end of the school year. The flipped classroom with the researcher-
made flipped videos was utilized as an intervention to compare it to the prevailing
teaching approach. This method enables learners to study independently without the
anxiety that comes with the prevailing math instruction. The study utilized a quasi-
experimental research design since the two research groups were purposefully chosen
from a diverse learner population. The research used a control group exposed to the
prevailing teaching method and an experimental group exposed to the flipped classroom
approach. A 50-item multiple-choice questionnaire validated by a panel of experts was
utilized to determine changes before and after the intervention. The study’s results
indicated that learners’ test scores increased dramatically after the interventions
performed in the prevailing and flipped classroom approaches. However, the outcome of
learners subjected to the prevailing method and those exposed to the flipped classroom
approach was comparable. Although the results showed that no group substantially
differed from the other, for the optimistic viewpoint, it is conclusive to declare that
flipped classrooms may enhance learner performance in the same manner that the
prevailing teaching method does. Furthermore, the flipped classroom could foster
learners’ interest while augmenting the teacher’s absence in school. Hence, the flipped
classroom can be an alternative way to teachmathematics and a strong recommendation
for teachers with uncertain responsibilities due to ancillary school functions.

Keywords: flipped classroom, ancillary functions, quasi-experimental research design, untaught least learned competencies, Central Philippines


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