Digital immigrants teaching digital natives: A call for a paradigm shift

Aprhodite M. MACALE and Josephine D.J. QUIMBO
University of the Philippines Rural High School, Los Banos, College, Laguna, Philippines

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Societal changes and technological progress have changed the landscape of our society and have re-shaped the mindset of our students.  Generally, majority of educators today are digital immigrants teaching digital native students.  It is inevitable that teachers learn the language of our learners; that is, internet connection, gadget, and technology.  This paper aims to present the role of paradigm shift in facing the challenges of the 21st century teaching and learning.  Specifically, it presents the existence of a digital divide in the classroom with the students as the digital natives and the teachers being the digital immigrants.  It is made clear that a continuum set of characteristics is observed among the digital natives and the digital immigrants which educators should take advantage of in terms of choosing teaching strategies in the classroom.  Data from the World Economic Forum and Knowledge Assessment Methodology validates the important role of digitization and paradigm shift in education in elevating the Philippine’s Global Competitiveness Index, Knowledge Economy Index and Knowledge Index. Findings of this paper call the attention of Filipino educators to re-think the integration of technology in the teaching and learning process; thus, equipping students with 21st century skills. Further, as Filipino teachers and students endeavor in integrating technology in the classroom, they should learn digital citizenship, online etiquette, proper validation of information, and how to avoid cheating and plagiarism.

Keywords: 21st century teaching and learning, paradigm shift, information technology


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