Physics Anxiety, Habits of Mind, and Self-Efficacy as Predictors of Students’ Academic Performance

West Visayas State University
La Paz, Iloilo City, Philippines

This study is descriptive-correlational in nature and aimed to determine if physics anxiety, habits ofmind, and self-efficacy can be predictors student’s performance. The participants of the study were 310 randomly selected students from four participating schools. This study used several adapted questionnaires such as Physics Anxiety Rating Scale (PARS), Habits of Mind Inventory, Self-Efficacy Questionnaire, and researcher-made test to measure the levels of physics anxiety, habits of mind, self-efficacy, and performance of students, respectively. A survey technique was employed to gather the necessary data needed for the study. Means and standard deviations were used for descriptive data analyses and the Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlations and Multiple Linear Correlation for inferential data analyses, all set at 0.5 level of significance. Results of the study discovered that the students have high physics performance, high level of self-efficacy and habits of mind and moderate level of physics anxiety. The study also revealed that physics anxiety, habits of mind, and self-efficacy are positively related. It also concluded that habits of mind can positively predict students’ performance in physics. Furthermore, the study concluded that managing impulsivity, persisting, thinking independently, responding with awe and questioning and posing questions are important habits of mind characteristics that influences students’ performance in physics.

Keywords: Physics anxiety, habits of mind, self-efficacy, academic performance, descriptive-correlational


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